AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Client installation fails to restart things

I’m installing over on Linux, and after the installer runs, the launcher and slave don’t get restarted properly. The launcher log contains this:

::ffff: has connected Launcher Thread - Received command: StopLauncher Launcher Thread - Responded with: Failure: Missing or incorrect header for method tInSuperUserMode (System.InvalidProgramException)

My gut feeling is that this is because the launcher isn’t stopped by the installer prior to installation. I have to kill the launcher, and then manually trigger the service script again.

The installer will only launch the launcher if it is being installed as a service/daemon. There are known issues with the daemon script in 6.x (as you are well aware), but these issues should be resolved in v7.

Also, just wanted to mention that we will be locking the Deadline 6 beta forums in a couple of weeks (viewtopic.php?f=84&t=12743), so we recommend that any new 6.x related questions be directed to the general Deadline forums or to our support team.


Yeah, I think it’s more that the installer doesn’t try to shut down/clean up existing processes before copying in the new files. If I manually shut things down and then run the installer, it’s able to start the service up properly.

Do you check the regular Deadline forum Ryan? I’m going to need a reliable place to inform you of issues… :wink:

It’s mainly handled by our fantastic support team, and they elevate issues to the developers whenever necessary.


OK. I only ask because I posted a potentially serious issue on Monday that has yet to get a response, and on the soon-to-be-hidden beta boards, the responses have always been very quick. I just want to make sure that if I start posting things like that there that they won’t get overlooked.

Thanks for letting me know! I’ve pointed this out to our support team.

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