cloud issue


I am finally testing deadline 6 and the cloud but am unable to get my submitted job to render on it. My job just sits in the queue.

The cloud instance appear in the panel but the job does not get pushed to it.

What exactly is meant to happen?

I have asked this before but are you meant to install the deadline 6 client on the amazon instance node? How is the amazon node meant to see my repository? I actually have it so my instance VPN connects to my local server to get licenses for mental core so it can see my respository if necessary but not sure what to do?

Also another issue with seeing the amazon cloud instance in the list is I had to close and reopen deadline before it would appear. Also if i append the cloud panel to my layout and then close deadline, when it reopens the cloud panel turns into a flat grey panel named new panel.

This is using Beta 9.



The cloud controls simply allow you to control instances that you have already created. So basically, it’s a “bring your own instance” type of system. This means you’ll need to set up Deadline on your instances just like any regular render node, but then you can use the cloud controls to start or clone them when you need them.

The “new panel” problem is due the user group permissions. By default, only super user can see the cloud panel, so when you restart the Monitor, super user mode is disabled, and you are left with a blank panel. I think instead of displaying a blank panel, we should simply hide it.

To enable the cloud panel for everyone, you can go to Tools -> Manage User Groups while in super user mode. Under the UI Features tab for Everyone, just enable the Cloud Panel.


  • Ryan

right so the amazon instance needs to have the deadline client installed and have access to the repository.

Regarding the “new panel” problem, yeah I assumed it was to do with user permission. I think yes it would be better to just hide it.

Thanks for letting me know about adding the panel for all users.

Will let you know if I get the cloud working ok.

So in the tests you have done, you have had the repository stored on dropbox? I think since we have our cloud instances connecting via VPN to our server to get licenses I can just give it access to our local repository. Not sure how fast/slow that will be to read and write data to the repository but should be ok as deadline files are small i guess?

Using drop-box should be fine for the repository. The only files that get written to their regularly are the log and error reports. All the job/slave/task data is now in the database. My only concern is if you are submitting your scene files with your jobs. If those files are big, the cloud slaves might not see them right away. However, if you are managing your scene files outside of Deadline, drop-box should be fine.


  • Ryan