
Deadline 6.0.48466
Windows 7 Pro SP1

Tried to set up the “Cloud options” to point to our EC2_EU_WEST console, but none of our instances showed up in the cloud pane. I’m not sure if this functionality is up and running yet. Will we need to set up a Virtual Private Cloud as well in order for this to work?

Really looking forward to try this feature :slight_smile:

ps: Im constantly looking for the refresh button.
No use for that anymore:))


Restart of monitor did the trick :slight_smile:


sweet! glad its hooked up.
I would love to get your feedback on how useful this is - i’m meeting for the roadmap for 6.1 and 7 soon and CLOUD is a part of it - any wishlist or feature requests should be made soon…sorry to rush you :sunglasses:

I’m also curious. I was looking into it pretty hard until I saw the instances and they seemed underpowered for rendering. I’d love to be wrong about it, though.

The largest impediment (besides performance) we encountered was how to read assets off of our network. I know Chris you mentioned DropBox but we can’t trust working off of the cloud for our production folders so any tools which enable asset syncing or domain joining to work on-demand would be our top requests.

Ideally we would prefer the cloud nodes to seamlessly read and write from our local server. But I’m not sure if that would kill us on EC2 transfer costs.

Setting up an AWS VPC is actually wise in any cloud setup.
You then have a IPsec tunnel and can read/write whatever you like back to your kit.
There are caching technologies and transport accelerator protocols out there if you need to go fast…