Code for the opencolor lut from file?

Heya Folks!

I’m trying to get the open color file lut working using the following:

– in my draft ui

if scriptDialog.GetValue( “DestColorComboBox” ) == “From Lut”:
args.append( 'LutFile="%s" ’ % os.path.abspath(scriptDialog.GetValue( “LutBox” )) )

– and in my draft script

LutFile = Draft.LUT.CreateOCIOProcessor( params[‘LutFile’] )[/code]

and I’m getting this error from draft:

0: STDOUT: Trying to use a custom lut 0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last): 0: STDOUT: File "P:\Screen_Scene_VFX\Nicktime\JohnDev_MOV_MJPEG_1080p_Slate_&", line 169, in <module> 0: STDOUT: LutFile = Draft.LUT.CreateOCIOProcessor( theLut ) 0: STDOUT: Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in 0: STDOUT: LUT.CreateOCIOProcessor(str) 0: STDOUT: did not match C++ signature: 0: STDOUT: CreateOCIOProcessor(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > colorSpaceIn, class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > colorSpaceOut) 0: STDOUT: Output #0, mov, to '\\\VFX_Project\Screen_Scene_VFX\Nicktime\lut_test\':

If I’m using a custom lut and not the built in ocio conversion types do I need to still initialize a configuration for ocio or should this single line be enough if I’m applying a lut file?

If you’re using a LUT file, you want to use LutFile = Draft.LUT.CreateOCIOProcessorFromFile( params['LutFile'] ) (Note the “FromFile” added to the method name.)

Reminder: documentation of the new parts of the API can be found at:

If you’re providing the full path to the LUT file, then initializing the OCIO configuration should be optional.


Ah stupid me!

In the lut from file section of the new documentation I coped the text without reading it - it’s got CreateOCIOProcessor in the code window instead of CreateOCIOProcessorFromFile as you’ve mentioned here. Working perfectly now, much appreciated and that’s what I get for pretending to be a programmer :smiley:

Whoops, thanks for catching that! My bad! I’ll fix that right away.

High fives.