ColorRGBA Class

[size=150]ColorRGBA Class[/size]

Type: Class
Description: This class represents a color, in RGBA format.
[list]R – A decimal value representing the red component (normally 0.0-1.0)
G – A decimal value representing the green component (normally 0.0-1.0)
B – A decimal value representing the blue component (normally 0.0-1.0)
A – A decimal value representing the alpha component (normally 0.0-1.0)
Sample Code:

newColor = Draft.ColorRGBA( 0.75, 0.54, 0.975, 1.0 )
  • or -

newColor = Draft.ColorRGBA() newColor.R = 0.75 newColor.G = 0.54 newColor.B = 0.975 newColor.A = 1.0[/list:u]