Combining Render Elements into one exr file


I am using Krakatoa version with Max 2013 (latest product update 6).

I am having problems when getting Render elements into multiple channels in one .exr file.

I have multiple elements set up in the Elements options but then in the EXR setup dialog, when I use the Render Elements, Add… button there are no elements listed in there.

Is this a known issue?

Yes, it is a known limitation.
For Krakatoa Maya, we now support saving all passes in one EXR, so I assume we will take another look at this in Krakatoa MX.
But it might be tricky since the OpenEXR I/O plugin has always been provided to Autodesk by 3rd parties (first SplutterFish, now Cebas) and I am not sure how much access we have to it in the Max SDK to get our Render Elements working correctly with it.