Something very similar to the AE illegal characters issue a little while ago, but in Combustion instead!
An artist copying an output filename from a HTML formatted document into the render output data field in Combustion, carries over an illegal character in the Combustion output filename (but could also be in its output file path). Within the Combustion application, this is accepted, but Deadline/network “shellrenderer.exe” doesn’t work. Could we get a submission script check for this potential issue as well which also includes a message box warning highlighting the exact character issue(s) in the file/path?
Here’s the similar AE submission checking code, which it may be worth including these symbols to check against as well as the specific HTML issue I had:
var outputFolder = trim( layersDialog.outputPanel.outputFolder.text );
// \ / : * ? " < > |
var fixedLayerName = currLayer.name.replace( /([\*\?\|:\"<>\/\\%£])/g, '_' ); //replace invalid path characters with an underscore
See attached zipped up file containing a HTML file for an example dodgy character in the html document.(It’s the second hyphen character, which HTML seems to convert into a dash??)
example.zip (195 Bytes)