Commandline Installation

I can’t seem to get it to install by command line. I can do a /quiet install and that works in that it installs it (but not the max plugin). So I assumed then I needed to run the \program files\thinkbox\xmesh\bin\MaxInstallHelper but if I do a -i -q install it says “failed to determine max version” so I gave it a -m “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\3dsmax.exe” path and it still failed to determine max version. Ideas?

Thanks, that sounds like a bug. It should work if you specify the directory instead:

MaxPluginHelper.exe -i -q -p “XMeshSaver-MX” -m “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012”

Edit: fixed missing -p parameter

I’m having this error as well. Issuing:

MaxPluginHelper.exe -i -q -m “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012”

doesn’t work either. It also says:

“The folder of the plugin for 3ds Max 2012 couldn’t be found, it may net have been selected during the install.”

Please note that I updated my original reply to include a missing -p parameter.

Have you changed the directory structure at all? MaxPluginHelper.exe looks for the plugin files relative to its location, specifically in …/3dsMax2012/x64 for 3ds Max 2012 64-bit. So your directory structure should look something like:


To answer your question, Paul, no I didn’t notice the “-P” switch and yes I did alter the structure. A lethal combination of oversights on my part :slight_smile:

I don’t know how I missed the “-p” switch last night. I chalk it up to me trying to do this 10 minutes before I had to leave. Thanks, command line installation worked great!

Good to hear, thank you for letting us know!