Commandline Test Job Failing Could not connect to any of the specified Mongo DB servers

Hi, Fellow Deadline Users & Deadline Support,

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to fix the below errors?

2023-03-06 21:50:44: 0: Failed to properly create Deadline Worker data folder 'Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers' because: The SlaveDataRoot path in the deadline.ini file isn't a rooted path. (Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException)

2023-03-06 21:50:44: 0: ERROR: DataController threw an unexpected exception during initialization: FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException: Could not connect to any of the specified Mongo DB servers defined in the "Hostname" parameter of the "settings\connection.ini" file in the root of the Repository.

We are running into these while attempting to test a simple Command Line job.

Also, please note that we are able to connect to the Deadline repository/Mongo DB on (TCP) port 27100 which I understand is the listening port/daemon on the Deadline server/repository. So not sure why would we still encounter this error!


So for

2023-03-06 21:50:44: 0: Failed to properly create Deadline Worker data folder ‘Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers’ because: The SlaveDataRoot path in the deadline.ini file isn’t a rooted path. (Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException)

there’s something amiss in your deadline.ini file, you can find where it lives in the top of this page. There’ll be what the default should be for that key in that page as well.

As for the database, usually that error is followed with each hostname in that file and why the connection failed out. Fixing the first issue may improve the logging from the second however so I’d take a second crack at that.

Sure, thanks for pointing that @Justin_B please find below the deadline.ini configs for your perusal, from one of the local machines where I am testing the Commandline Test job execution. Looking at these would you suggest tuning any parameters and running the tests again? Thanks in advance.


I see in this thread here (Initial Deadline Setup Issues & Help Required - #7 by Fractal_Admin) you’ve set the SlaveDataRoot, and I’m going to assume that was after you got the errors at the top of this thread?

As is that looks fine to me. Could you elaborate on your test? I’m assuming you’ve got a Monitor open on a different machine, you’re submitting a job and you’re expecting the Worker running on this machine to pick it up.

Thinking a little harder here, the log lines you’ve shared are all prepended with 0: and assuming this is a Worker log means that’s from the 0th render thread. What’s odd is if the Worker cannot connect to the database it shouldn’t know about jobs to pick up in the first place.

Would we be able to get the Worker’s application log, as there’s something odd going on and getting the whole picture will help out.

The logs will be on the machine in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs and named with the day they were created.


Hi @Justin_B,

Sorry couldn’t revert to this thread earlier, I am trying to requeue this job/task so that I reproduce the issue and share the latest log info. However, the task is remaining in the “Queued” state and the worker to which we have restricted this task is remaining to be in the “Idle” state.

So not sure why the schedular selection logic is not making this assignment. Would you be able to point out the logs that might show/provide the reason as to why this job/task is not getting assigned to the worker machine and how can we fix it?


I’d check the Worker log of the intended Worker and assuming there’s nothing amiss there, right click the job in question in the Monitor and choose ‘Find Render Candidates’. That should show which Workers are valid to pick up tasks from that job.

Sure @Justin_B this is an old submitted task which I am again resuming to troubleshoot again, some of the relevant details you pointed out are:

The Worker log looks happy, but the task errors you’ve shown are from around a month ago so I’m not sure they’re related.

If you right click the job and choose ‘Find Render Canditates’ you’ll get this UI that should show which Workers are an are not valid to pick up tasks from the job.

Thanks, @Justin_B this helped me narrow it down, and realized a month ago the machine I was using to render/test this job was not part of any pool(s) but not it is. So I fixed the job properties and that has run the job.

However, it is resulting in the attached (Job_2023-04-03_21-43-04_642afb103b668591729fded4.7z) errors. Can you please suggest a fix?

Job_2023-04-03_21-43-04_642afb103b668591729fded4.7z (1.7 KB)


You’ve already seen this, but for anyone else following the thread my recommendation will be figuring out the SlaveDataRoot issue with the steps in Initial Deadline Setup Issues & Help Required - #22 by Justin_B

After that it looks like the connection to the database is failing, but the An invalid argument was supplied. error makes me think we’re just starting the sandbox with the wrong flags, and resolving the slavedataroot might sort things out.