AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

completed job tasks - missing some info - Peak RAM usage

This used to be an issue with v5 as well, but just thought I would mention it incase it ‘should’ be resolved with the newer architecture!
If a job such as a std 3dsMax rendering job has frames which render very quickly, <10 seconds kind of thing, then sometimes (feels a little random), some of the completed task (frame) information is missing such as:

“Peak RAM Usage”
“Average RAM Usage”
“Peak CPU Usage”
“Average CPU Usage”

Also, the “Image Size” seems to always show 0.000 Bytes for all the frames…bug?

See attached archived job as an example. (I really like the new archive job feature. Most useful for sending a job + info to you. However, would be even better if you could package up all the log reports / stats as well. Perhaps have this as a py script, for sending all info on a job to support for debug?)

owenm__3dsmax__DraftTileRenderingTest_MultiRegions_SingleFrame (Frame 0 - 16 Regions, 16 Sub-Regions) (27.9 KB)

Hey Mike,

The problem with the RAM/CPU collecting is that it’s done on a 5 second interval, so it’s quite possible for the render process to start and end within this interval. Maybe what we need to do is start with a 1/2 second interval, and then increase by 1/2 until we get up to 5. That should help collect some meaningful stats for short renders.

The image size always showing 0 sounds like a bug. We’ll look into it.


  • Ryan
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