Containing multiple jobs under a group.

Can anyone explain this to us please? We only upgraded to Deadline 9 recently and noticed that some of our jobs seem to get grouped together quite neatly but no one in our studio has any idea how they were done.

In many of our integrated submitters we handle this automatically for you via the “BatchName=” setting, which can be seen in the Modify Job Properties → Batch Name field: … ml#general

You can also control whether single jobs are grouped together or not: … or-options

Thank you Mike this is really cool.

Looks like the parameter is not exposed to the users from the submission script?

Any plan to add similar feature to the Slaves panel?

The parameter is not exposed on purpose (as designed) as it is automatically applied using quite a bit of logic per integrated submission script. Many of our in-app submitters already have excellent support for it such as 3dsMax, Maya, C4D. I don’t think we will be exposing it, but rather for studios that do want to further extend or customize this setting, would already be running a forked version of their applicable in-app submitters and can easily add whatever additional logic they prefer by setting: “BatchName=” in their submission code as documented here: … ml#general

You could always use our event plugin architecture to override/extend the “BatchName” property at various entry points such as job submission.

From a visual standpoint, I don’t see so easily what use grouping Slaves would be based on an arbitrary string value? Could you provide some use cases here?

Slave group - for us it would be mainly to perform stuff on a selected set of slaves. We do a comments/description search to get the slaves we need at the moment, which works just fine but I’m curious still.

Ok, So there are a number of options that could work here already available inside of the Slaves Panel:

  1. Comments/Description - you already know this. Using the top-right, “Search…” feature to find & filter.

  2. Slave “ExtraInfo X” columns - ExtraInfo0-9 (x10) columns which you can inject anything you like into them to track/store any Slave centric information. These columns can be sorted in descending/ascending order and all the usual “column” features such as re-position a column to a different position in the Slaves panel.

  3. Use any of the features for filtering as displayed in my screen-grab - advanced filters, pin a filter for easy return use, built-in quick filters, etc.
    Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 10.20.41.png

  4. Finally, in pie-chart mode, based on say, Slave “state”, you can shift+click a section of the pie chart which will then generate a filter and displayed that selection of filtered Slaves in the list view. You could also filter by logical pool or group.