After copying a PRT Loader (that is linked to a FFD deformer and the deformer was also copied) via Tools -> Mirror (Copy), the (copied) PRT Loader’s particles are visible in the viewport, but the particles won’t render. If I render that frame, the original PRT renders fine, for the copied PRT Krakatoa doesn’t find any particles at all (tested that hiding the original PRT). Is there anything I have forgotten to do when copying PRT Loaders?
Cannot reproduce here - both the original (with binding to an FFD) and the mirror copy (using X, Copy) render in my version of Krakatoa.
What version are you running?
Can you create a very simple PRT Loader + FFD setup with a small PRT file, do the cloning and upload the resulting file showing the problem?
Ok, in a different scene, it works as it is supposed to work. Strange, but consider it solved.