AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Corona Distrubted not working as rendernode

Using 7.1.35 Deadline
Corona Release 1.02
3dsmax design 2015
windows 7

submit job via SMTD
jobs starts , render nodes start max but doesn’t collect data from render nodes (using fixed list of render nodes)
to fix this enable submit as workstation then distributed works fine.
this use of workstation mode uses a max and corona licence. (bad)

this happened with earlier betas and seems to come and go with Deadline versions.

Thanks for the feedback. To make sure I understand you correctly:

  1. Are you wanting to submit via SMTD (instead of via the ‘Reserve’ Corona DR in-app submitter in 3dsmax, which is a separate submission interface to SMTD) … na-dr.html

  2. Or are you trying to fully off-load a Corona DR based Max scene file, by using multiple machines

  3. Or are you simply trying to submit a 3dsMax scene file with Corona as it’s renderer and with the auto-detect in Corona DR enabled, the Max file running on Deadline finds any pre-existing Corona DR nodes running outside of Deadline?

We should be able to drive the 3dsCmd plugin instead of the 3dsMax plugin (in theory, need to check), which will save the usage of workstation licenses. However, first things first. I would like to understand how you would like it to work in your studio workflow? Screen-grab(s) of your Corona DR settings would be useful.

Hi Mike
simply, model 3 in your list

we currently have DRserver running on all nodes
Send a job to one render node (that doesnt have drserver running)
that one computer then picks all the other nodes and DR renders job.
in the past DL has worked as slave mode to pick up active coronaDR nodes (backburner does)

We used to use the VRAY dr tool when we used vray
i will re-adapt our workflow to be the new corona dr model and see how it goes as it should be more flexible.
just have to wait for current renders to roll out.

Will get back to you.

OK, thanks for the notes. So, essentially, this is a Corona DR ‘off-load’ system, which operates identical to the V-Ray ‘off-load’ DR system we introduced late in Deadline v6.2.

By chance another user asked for this feature last week here, which has now been added to our roadmap:

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