Id like to use this : ManagedProcess.SuppressThisLine, but i do not this ive done it correctly.
The error line we are trying to ignore:
2017-12-15 14:44:26: 0: STDOUT: TBB Warning: Max number of workers has been already set to 9. The request for 11 workers is ignored.
in the plugin, i have this is the initialise process:
# this gets run when we do an export out of maya via the houdini engine
self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*TBB Warning: Max number of workers has been already set to.*").HandleCallback += self.HandleLineSuppression
the i have a handler that lookslike:
def HandleLineSuppression(self):
in some cases we want to ingnore lines, as printing and writing tons of lines slows the render down.
Im adding this to the MayaBatchProcess class in the Mayaplugin.
It doesnt seem to stop the error from getting printed to the logs. So im little confused.