could not execute c:\deadline\DeadlineCommandBG.exe

I recently had to wipe reinstall windows and esssentially ‘start again’. I’ve installed windows etc. on a new hard drive, so my existing one contained backups of precious work.

I’ve installed dealine renderer client 3 (64 bit because it’s a 64 bit machine - the render server is a 32 bit machine and i installed the 32 bit on it. I’ve copied my maya files to the new hard drive.

When I boot up maya, I now get the following:

could not execute c:\deadline\DeadlineCommandBG.exe (baring in mind, deadline is installed at c:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films)
Check that the client is installed on this machine and that the permissions are set correctly.

Any ideas how to solve this?

It sounds like you just need to install the new Maya integrated submission script: … tsetup.php


  • Ryan