AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Could not find a part of the path

Continuing the discussion from Deadline BYOL Issues for AWS Portal:

Good News Charles
License issues has been resolved after changing the ports.
Now i am able to see Deadline slave to Monitor.

Render Error :
Error: Could not find a part of the path "/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project". (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)

My Project Data Location : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/
Scene file : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project
Output Path : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/images/
Asset server Root Directory : //

I think we are very close to render now…
please guide…


Since your scene is referencing the Y:/ for the files and output, this is the path that the Asset Server is going to try and access those locations to upload. Since you have the UNC path set to locate the files the asset server will not be able to locate the Y:/.

You need to add the Y:/ to your Asset Server Settings and add Y:\ to your Mapped Drives in Deadline. Once you have done this restart the AWS Portal Asset Server Service/Daemon.

Add entry to Mapped Drive:

Configure Asset Server Settings:



HI Charles

AS per your suggestions tried with Y:/ to Asset Server Settings and add Y:\ to your Mapped Drives in Deadline. ( But still having same errors )

then i have changed the asset server to \isilon\PROJECTS\ and mapped drive y: to Deadline repository then restarted Both Asset server and AWS portal link services too.

Still my job failure with unable to find path.

Job log report shows below error Wont understand why path is changing.

Path showing : Deadline report log : /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project

But correct path : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project

help to resolve this as earliest …


To give detail as to why you must configure “Asset Server Setting” under the “Tools” menu, it will automatically generate the correct path mapping rules to run on AWS Portal.

As of right now, there are no existing settings for “Y:” in your mapped paths, and it’s not very convenient to set them there as the paths on the Cloud will be difficult.

Please add “Y:” to your “Root Directories” in the “Asset Server Settings” window. You should see a number of new path mapping options be generated in the “Mapped Paths” section of the Monitor.

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