Could not find a part of the path

Good News Charles
License issues has been resolved after changing the ports.
Now i am able to see Deadline slave to Monitor.

Render Error :
Error: Could not find a part of the path "/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project". (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)

My Project Data Location : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/
Scene file : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/scenes/SC_26_egg_0105_v012_fwx.project
Output Path : Y:/FILMS/ROBOT2/3D/amazon/maya5/images/
Asset server Root Directory : //

I think we are very close to render now…
please guide…