Could not find file with path...

0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: VideoDecoder: Failed to open input file: W:\13022 L3 Q400 Videos\Shots\EXT\MP0010\Renders\PRVZ\A01.0X\L3Q_EXT_MP0010_PRVZ_A01.0X.####.jpg 0: STDOUT: [image2 @ 000000000026C640] Could find no file with with path 'W:\13022 L3 Q400 Videos\Shots\EXT\MP0010\Renders\PRVZ\A01.0X\L3Q_EXT_MP0010_PRVZ_A01.0X.####.jpg' and index in the range 0-4 0: INFO: Process exit code: 1

This is a confusing one… I can navigate to that path and there is most definitely an image sequence named exactly that… but Draft won’t draftify it. Thoughts?

Hi Gavin,

Double-checking… did you remember to replace the #### with the actual frame number?

inFile = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber( inFilePattern, currFrame )


Mystery solved. I was accidentally trying to use your transcode_MPEG script instead of my own. So it was trying to read a JPG sequence as a movie file.

Glad you got it figured out!