Counting of licenses, node locked and floating , as well as different versions of same sw

Hey folks,

I have spent a little too long thinking about this on my own, and would love some community input.
Ultimately im trying to maximize the amount of concurrent jobs we can have going at a time.

say i have 3 versions of my sw:
15 , 2 node locked licenses, that can do ver 15 jobs
16, 3 node locked licenses, these can do ver 15 & 16 jobs.
17, 3 node locked licenses, these can do ver 15, 16 & 17 jobs.
i then have 4 floating licenses, that can run on a select group (could lock to a limit aswell) of machines, these can run versions 15, 16 & 17

setup of jobs is super easy on our side, as long as we know what version, we can put the correct requirements on the job.

The only thing i can think of is a mechanism that could make an limit or multiple limits in to an “or” lookup instead of a “and” lookup.

Or do it at the pool level, where the first group of machines are all the node locked for a version, the secondary pool is what? i keep hitting circles with this one.

if anyone has an idea, id love to hear it.

we are currently stuck on of dl.
