AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Couple questions


  1. Is there/will there be a way to render Phoenix FD particles in Krakatoa MY?

  2. Is there/will there be a way to render Maya fluids in Krakatoa MY?

  3. Is there/will there be a way to use Deadline to partition particles for Krakatoa MY?

Sorry for the repetitive nature of my questions, or if the answers are really obvious and somehow I’ve missed them.

Thanks in advance,

Both support for Maya fluids and Phoenix FD are being planned. First priority is Maya fluids. We are hoping to have it for our next major release.

This can currently be done using a MEL script submitted to Deadline. However, we started on a handy UI that lives directly in the export dialog. The UI should simplify the process greatly. I’ll get it posted asap.

One of our Beta users posted this workaround for rendering Phoenix particles on the Beta forum. I hope he won’t mind if I re-post his approach:

Cool, thanks for the responses… I’ll check out that workaround.

Hi again,
I just thought I’d let you know that Particle Partitioning in Krakatoa MY is now fully supported over Deadline. I will send you a private message with the download link. It will be public in the next release also.

Hi, i just rendered a maya fluid with krakatoa by creating a particle emitter inside the fluid box and using the fluid as a field. you can see it here
pls let me know if you have questions about it

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