Covert Old Magma Exception

I have a scene built with 1.6 - when opened with MX 2.0 I get this error to the listener:

[code]-- Error occurred in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 52895; line: 1219
– Frame:
– i: 2
– called in n loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53090; line: 1223
– Frame:
– n: $PRT Daughter Cell Left
– called in m loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53109; line: 1224
– Frame:
– m: KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius
– theNewMod: MagmaModifier:Magma PRT Op
– theNodes: #($PRT Daughter Cell Left)
– called in convertOldScenesToNewMagma(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53127; line: 1225
– Frame:
– rem: undefined
– theOldMagmaModifiers: #(KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius, KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius, KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius, KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Color)
– oldGlobalHolders: #()
– called in anonymous codeblock
– Frame:

MAXScript Callback script Exception: – Unknown system exception <<

As you probably would expect, this happens on the first evaluated PRT Loader and doesn’t make it to the other two to attempt a conversion. I’d be happy to share the scene file but must be in a private fashion.



The “Unknown System Exception” makes me worry that it isn’t even a bug in my conversion code.
It usually points at MAXScript memory exception. Of course, it could be me, but I have never seen that happening in that function.

You can email a scene to bobo AT thinkboxsoftware DOT com.

Can you tell me what version of 3ds Max you were running (I see you have 2011 and 2012)?
I am using (addModifier X before:Y) which used to cause some troubles in earlier versions of Max.

If you want to open the scene immediately, you can open the System Preferences of Krakatoa and disable the conversion of old KCMs to new Magma modifiers.
This will allow you to load it and use it and save it since old KCMs are still there and working.
But remember that this option is not sticky between sessions, so you have to enable it each time you start Max+Krakatoa.

Here is a possible fix (but I haven’t tested it long enough, so it is WIP).
Please let me know if it works for you or if it causes new issues.
I will try to test it in several more complicated cases myself…

Please back up your original file and replace it in the \Scripts folder of your Krakatoa installation. (11.4 KB)

I updated the file at 3:45 pm PST with some better / faster handling of the problem.
Now it uses the old code where it works and the new code where it does not.
This solves some issues with the same KCM instanced on the same modifier stack…

I get this error when trying to open the scene I sent you via Email. It prompts the last message:

Runtime error: No such modifier in node: 3

[code]-- Error occurred in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53555; line: 1236
– Frame:
– i: 2
– oldModifier: KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius
– called in n loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53729; line: 1240
– Frame:
– n: $PRT Daughter Cell Left
– called in m loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53748; line: 1241
– Frame:
– m: KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius
– theNewMod: MagmaModifier:KCM_Radius
– theNodes: #($PRT Daughter Cell Left)
– called in convertOldScenesToNewMagma(); filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 53766; line: 1242
– Frame:
– theOldMagmaModifiers: #(KrakatoaChannelsModifier:KCM_Radius)
– oldGlobalHolders: #()
– rem: undefined
– called in anonymous codeblock
– Frame:

MAXScript Callback script Exception: – Runtime error: No such modifier in node: 3 <<[/code]

Ok, let’s try this one…
(I was not switching to Modify panel explicitly, so if you were in Create mode, it would fail.) (11.4 KB)

That works! Thanks.