Yes, I suspect this error is related to the machine’s graphics card. I see a similar error if I attempt to launch Sequoia with my graphics card disabled.
Via Deadline
Sequoia shouldn’t depend on your graphics card when running on Deadline. I am attempting to reproduce this problem now.
Would it be possible for you to please send us a copy of your Deadline job’s auxiliary files (i.e, the Sequoia scene file and task file)? To access these files, open the Deadline Monitor, then right-click your job, and choose the Auxiliary Files -> Explore menu item. You can send these files to us by posting them on this forum, or by using our ticket system. Please note that you may need to ZIP the files to get them through our system.
I should mention: I probably don’t need your point data files, and I probably don’t need your .SQ file either. The main thing I’m interested in is your .SQT file. It’s plain text, and even a redacted copy would be very helpful. Feel free to change file names etc., but please leave the filename extensions intact (i.e, change “//some/confidential_project/confidential_file.ptx” to “redacted.ptx”).
OOB experience on trying to make some sample data for you to examine, why doesn’t this work?
(The video’s private, and I’ll erase it as soon as you’ve taken a look, although it shows nothing but the ui)
Hi. Can you post the SQT file that’s causing the error?
I suspect I know the reason. I’ve reproduced it by setting the Output Path in the “Submit an Export Job To Deadline” to something like “I:/scratch/”. Can you check if it works if you set the output path to something like “I:/scratch/result.xmesh”? If this is the case, we’ll modify the UI to make it clearer what’s expected here.