Create a custom Local Asset Caching script


I’m looking for general advices on what would be the best workflow.
Currently, we have two renderfarms one is in-house and one is external.
All the data goes through a VPN for the external render farm, but the transfert speed is rather slow. (30 MPS/s).
Using the local asset caching option help, but there is some limitation. For example, the vdb sequence with #### are not handle yet.

What my current plan is.
Make a copy of all usefull datas to a server in the external render farm.
Have a script at startup looking first if the file exist in the external render farm server.
If not use the vpn.

Since it’s a bit complex to make sure all the data are alway well sync to the external render farm I would like to keep the possibility to default to vpn.

With deadline path mapping I feel all the path are remapped, and if there is one missing it will produce en error.

I was thinking maybe with a startup script i could manage what i want to do. But are startup script only mel ?

Thanks in advance for any advices !