Create movie using draft and definitely use parameter isdistributed true

Instead of writing new code, i thought it is handy to use existing code. Found such in,
Deadline\events\DraftEventPlugin\, method CreateMovie.

This requires a list of parameters, one such being “annotationsFilePath”.

Question is what should be the contents of this file and in what format. ? Presuming that it can be in any location

Hi Nishith

I’m basically a visual effects artist on a team of 1 to 5 people and would love to just get a QuickTime movie made every time we run a render on deadline. Seems pretty simple, I am not a programmer. It seriously breaks my brain.

I’m looking for advice on how to set something up, ideally just give you access so you can test that it runs right, and obviously I would pay you for your time. Does this sound interesting?

What version of deadline are you using ?.
Starting with Deadline 10.1.23, Deadline and its components do not require a license.