Create New Global Override Set

Nothing exotic. Just clicked on it.
Here we go:

Afterward its clickable but nothing happens.

2nd I7 extreme, 32GB, 7x64


Cannot repro here.
What do you get if you open the MAXScript Listener and type in:


I get
$KrakatoaMXGlobalDataHolder:KrakatoaMXGlobalDataHolder001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]

Please also post the exact version of Krakatoa listed in the GUI, like v1.6.80.45XXX (the last number may vary).

I get

-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined


Ok, this is spooky. The new class was introduced in Beta 3, months ago.
For some reason, it does not appear in your installation, which is not good at all.

Some more questions to narrow this down:

*Are you running a German version of Max, or the English version?
*What version of Max EXACTLY (type in maxVersion() in the Listener and post the result)
*32 or 64 bit (I guess with 32 GB you must be on 64, but just in case)

And more importantly, can anyone else here reproduce the problem?

I was running through the features the other day in the VFB (when I discovered that show stopper button bug :slight_smile: ) and I had no issues with global overides.

In fact I just tried it again, still works. I tried through the main UI, the VFB, switch renderers back and forth, still working for me.

maxVersion() = #(14000, 38, 0)
FranticParticles.Version = “”
Win7 x64 Eng

Hi together,

tried it again, same problem.

maxversion() = #(14000, 38, 0) English.
FranticParticles.Version = – Type error: Call needs function or class, got: “”

and: 2ndI7extreme,32GB,7x64(7601SP1), gforce590 3G.
No additional Scripts or Plugins installed. Just Krakatoa, FR, TP without PhysX, Box2+3 with PhysX, Xmesh 'n Deadline. Latest PhysX.

You are supposed to say


Not FranticParticles.Version() since it is a property and not a function.
But obviously it is “” which is what I am running here.

I think I got it.

I suspect that if you type in

classof ThinkboxSchematicControl

you are going to get undefinedClass.

In the Krakatoa startup code, there is a test for whether ThinkboxSchematicControl is installed (this is our own compile of the Helium plugin which we licensed from Lumonix). If that class is not found, no Magma-related scripts and no scripted plugins like the global override object will be loaded to avoid errors.
What I SHOULD have done though is pop up a message that warns you that your Krakatoa install is incorrect. In fact, there WAS a message box for this, but it was remarked from the current version.

Try reinstalling Krakatoa or adding the path to Helium to the plugin.ini file.
On my install, the Krakatoa plugin paths in plugin.ini look like:

Krakatoa=C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\3dsMax2012\x64
Helium=C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Krakatoa\3dsMax2012\x64\Helium

more stuff

If you don’t have the Helium, it will explain why stuff is missing…

Going from Quarterly to slamming with weekly builds. Regardless, I just updated and still works for me.

KrakatoaMXGlobalDataHolder() = $KrakatoaMXGlobalDataHolder:KrakatoaMXGlobalDataHolder001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]


Problem solved. It was just the missing line in the plugin.ini to find the Helium Path.
