createQT script not 'getting' my looped Fusion Loaders?

For some reason, the createQT script doesn’t get the enabled loop of one of my loaders for my Fusion template, for some reason it keeps on loading the footage that has to be converted on all loaders.

Is this a bug? or am i missing something in my Fusion comp?



Composition {

CurrentTime = 0,

RenderRange = { 0, 1000, },

GlobalRange = { 0, 1000, },

HiQ = true,

Motionblur__ = false,

Version = “Fusion 5.1 build 100”,

SavedOutputs = 0,

HeldTools = 0,

DisabledTools = 0,

LockedTools = 0,

AudioOffset = 0,

AutoRenderRange = false,

Resumable = true,

OutputClips = {



Tools = {

HosLogo = Loader {

Clips = {

Clip {

ID = “Clip1”,

Filename = “Z:\Projects\house_of_secrets\housestyle\logo_en_typo_kleingebruik\hoslogo_entypo_kleingebruiken_metalpha.psd”,

FormatID = “PSDFormat”,

StartFrame = -1,

Length = 1,

Multiframe = false,

Saving = false,

LengthSetManually = true,

TrimIn = 0,

TrimOut = 0,

ExtendFirst = 0,

ExtendLast = 0,

Loop = 0,

Reverse = false,

ImportMode = 0,

PullOffset = 0,

AspectMode = 0,

Depth = 0,

TimeCode = 0,

KeyCode = “”,

GlobalStart = 0,

GlobalEnd = 0,



CtrlWZoom = false,

NameSet = true,

Inputs = {

MissingFrames = Input {

Value = 1,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 55, 181.5, },



LoaderMain = Loader {

Clips = {

Clip {

ID = “Clip4”,

Filename = “empty”,

StartFrame = 0,

Length = 0,

Multiframe = false,

Saving = false,

LengthSetManually = false,

TrimIn = 0,

TrimOut = 4294967295,

ExtendFirst = 0,

ExtendLast = 0,

Loop = 1,

Reverse = false,

ImportMode = 0,

PullOffset = 0,

AspectMode = 0,

Depth = 0,

GlobalStart = 0,

GlobalEnd = -1,



NameSet = true,

ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 55, 82.5, },



BrightnessContrast1 = BrightnessContrast {

Inputs = {

Input = Input {

SourceOp = “LoaderMain”,

Source = “Output”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 165, 82.5, },



Background1 = Background {

ExtentSet = false,

Inputs = {

Width = Input {

Value = 374,


Height = Input {

Value = 941,


TopLeftRed = Input {

Value = 0.706666666666667,


TopLeftGreen = Input {

Value = 0.239005105004853,


TopLeftBlue = Input {

Value = 0.114448592592593,


Gradient = Input {

Value = Gradient {

Colors = {

[0] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, },

[1] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, },




EffectMask = Input {

SourceOp = “Rectangle1”,

Source = “Mask”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 55, 280.5, },



Resize1 = BetterResize {

Inputs = {

Width = Input {

Value = 640,

Expression = “LoaderMain.Output.Width”,


Height = Input {

Value = 261,


KeepAspect = Input {

Value = 1,


Input = Input {

SourceOp = “Merge_1”,

Source = “Output”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 275, 181.5, },



Rectangle1 = RectangleMask {

Inputs = {

Invert = Input {

Value = 1,


Center = Input {

Value = { 1.12058962548309, 0.234042553191489, },


Width = Input {

Value = 0.438692666289771,


Height = Input {

Value = 0.234042553191489,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { -55, 280.5, },



Saver1 = Saver {

CtrlWZoom = false,

Inputs = {

Clip = Input {

Value = Clip {

StartFrame = 0,

Length = 0,

Multiframe = false,

Saving = true,

LengthSetManually = false,

TrimIn = 0,

TrimOut = 4294967295,

ExtendFirst = 0,

ExtendLast = 0,

Loop = 1,

Reverse = false,

ImportMode = 0,

PullOffset = 0,

AspectMode = 0,

Depth = 0,

TimeCode = 0,

KeyCode = “”,

GlobalStart = -1000000000,

GlobalEnd = 0,



OutputFormat = Input {

Value = FuID { “TargaFormat”, },


SequenceStartFrame = Input {

Disabled = true,


Input = Input {

SourceOp = “Merge”,

Source = “Output”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 495, 82.5, },



Merge_1 = Merge {

NameSet = true,

Inputs = {

Center = Input {

Value = { 0.0797227036395147, 0.5, },


Operator = Input {

Value = FuID { “Atop”, },


PerformDepthMerge = Input {

Value = 0,


Background = Input {

SourceOp = “HosLogo”,

Source = “Output”,


Foreground = Input {

SourceOp = “Background1”,

Source = “Output”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 165, 181.5, },


Colors = {

TileColor = { R = 0.27843137254902, G = 0.509803921568627, B = 0.290196078431373, },

TextColor = { R = 0.807843137254902, G = 0.807843137254902, B = 0.807843137254902, },



Merge = Merge {

NameSet = true,

Inputs = {

Center = Input {

Value = { 0.149214659685864, 0.1953125, },


Size = Input {

Value = 0.2666667,


PerformDepthMerge = Input {

Value = 0,


Background = Input {

SourceOp = “BrightnessContrast1”,

Source = “Output”,


Foreground = Input {

SourceOp = “Resize1”,

Source = “Output”,



ViewInfo = OperatorInfo {

Pos = { 330, 82.5, },


Colors = {

TileColor = { R = 0.27843137254902, G = 0.509803921568627, B = 0.290196078431373, },

TextColor = { R = 0.807843137254902, G = 0.807843137254902, B = 0.807843137254902, },




Views = {


Mode = 3,

LayoutPreset = 0,

Left = 0,

Top = 0,

Width = 990,

Height = 622,

Views = {

Main = MultiView {

Active = “Flow”,

Flow = FlowView {

Flags = {

Navigator = true,

ForceSource = true,

GridSnap = true,

AutoSnap = true,

FullIndicator = true,

RemoveRouters = true,


Direction = “Horizontal”,

PipeStyle = “Direct”,

Scale = 1,

Offset = { 218, -1, },


Console = ConsoleView {

Show = {


History = {

" loadersCount = 0",

“loaderListTemplate = GetLoaders(composition)”,







Timeline = TimelineView {

TreeControlState = {

{ “Resize1”, Expanded = true, },


DisplayMode = “All Tools”,

ShowCurrentTimeTools = false,

Filter = “Show All”,

ShowSelectedTools = false,

ShowAnimatedToolsOnly = false,

ShowEditBoxes = false,

KeyFrameView = {

Position = { Left = 130, Bottom = 418, },

ScaleX = 0.2,

OffsetX = -49.2,

OffsetY = 0,

ScaleLocked = false,

AutoSnapTo = “frame”,

AutoSnapToGuidelines = true,

GuidelinesSnapTo = “frame”,


Spreadsheet = { LeftPos = 130, Visible = false, },


Spline = SplineEditorView {

LeftPos = 225,

ScaleX = 0.2,

ScaleY = 0.0034965034965035,

OffsetX = -3.59999999999999,

OffsetY = 0,

ScaleLocked = false,

AutoSnapTo = “frame”,

AutoSnapToGuidelines = true,

GuidelinesSnapTo = “frame”,

ShowKeyMarkers = false,

IndependentHandles = false,

ShowNonSplineModifiers = false,

ShowOneToolOnly = false,

ShowSelectedTools = false,

ShowAllInputs = false,

Filter = “Show All”,



Controls = MultiView {

Active = “Tools”,


Time = {

VisibleRange = { 0, 50, },



Layout = {

Columns = 2,

RatioX = 1,

RatioY = 1,


Rows = 3,

RatioX = 0.698055271238485,

RatioY = 0.0101180438448567,


Columns = 2,

RatioX = 1,

RatioY = 0.454855195911414,


ID = “Left”,

RatioX = 0.500736377025037,

RatioY = 0.0112359550561798,

Pop = true,



ID = “Right”,

RatioX = 0.499263622974963,

Pop = true,


Pop = true,



ID = “Main”,

RatioY = 0.453151618398637,

Pop = true,



ID = “Time”,

SnapY = 52,

Flat = true,




Rows = 2,

PixelX = 293,


ID = “Controls”,

RatioX = 1,

RatioY = 1,



ID = “Transport”,

FixedY = -2,






Prefs = {

Comp = {

Memory = {

FramesAtOnce = 1,


NumberStyles = {

ClipFrame = 2,


Views = {

Right = {


Left = {

Viewer = {

ScaleMode = 0,


ViewLUT = {



View1 = {

Viewer = {

ScaleMode = 0,




Preview = {

OutputDevice = “View1.A”,


FrameFormat = {

Name = “PAL / SECAM (Square Pixel)”,

Width = 768,

AspectY = 1,

GuideRatio = 1.33333333333333,

DepthFull = 2,

DepthPreview = 2,

DepthInteractive = 2,


LastFile = “”,

AVI = {

Preview = {

Handler = 892490830,



SplineEditor = {

AutoSnap = {

Keys = 18,



Timeline = {

ViewFilterMode = 0,


FilterModeName = “Show All”,

Paths = {


FlowView = {

ForceSource = true,

GridSnap = true,

FullToolIndicator = true,


QuickTime = {

Compressor = “Photo - JPEG_jpeg”,





////TO HERE AND SAVE AS .comp FILE////

Hi Sven,

I think I might have found the problem. The check we were doing to see

if looping was enabled was always returning the same result, regardless

if looping was disabled or enabled. Make a backup copy of

\your\repository\plugins\FusionQuicktimeGen\createQT.eyeonscript, and

then copy the attached file over it. Give this a try and let me know if

it detects the looped loader properly now.


Note, you’ll have to remove the (3) from the filename so that it copies over the original.

Thanks for the quick reply, but unfortunately still a no go, i tried a simpler comp, and for some reason the createQT still seems to be totally ignoring the loop switch.

Could it be because i’m running in free mode?

No, it’s not that you’re running in free mode. I’m looking deeper into

the problem and I’m running into some unexpected behavior. If I run the

Loop check that we’re doing in createQT.eyeonscript in the Fusion

console, it works as expected and identifies which Loaders are set to

Loop properly. However, I added some print statements to

createQT.eyeonscript, and when executed by Deadline (using Fusion or

Fusion Render Slave), it shows that neither loader is set to Loop. I

have no idea why this is, but when I get to the bottom of it, I’ll let

you know.


I just tested this out with Digital Fusion 4 and it worked fine, so

either this is a bug in Fusion 5, or something changed and we’re doing

something wrong. I’ll keep you posted.


OK, I THINK I have something working here. I’ve attached the new script

which you can copy over the old one. It seems to be working on our end,

so give it a go and let me now if you have any luck.


Brilliant, that did it, works like a charm.

As usual, the support is amazing.

Thank you.