creating Geo Vert PRTs withou rendering?

Would it be possible to create a PRT object type similar to PRT Volume that generates PRTs from object Verts (and gathering relevant data, such as textures) without setting up a Krakatoa render? I have been needing these a lot lately and it wastes a lot of time setting up a PRT save cache for each object over and over.

You have the options to:
*Write a script that dumps the PRTs to disk using the MAXScript PRT interface, then create/update the PRT Loader(s) automatically. You would have to acquire the vertex info via MAXScript and store in the channels.
*Create a PRT Maker and place a particle on each vertex of a mesh, then select the rest to be deleted by a Krakatoa Delete modifier. You can use the NearestPoint operator to acquire channels.
*Wait for us to add a “Vertex” mode to the PRT Surface (not sure if it will happen, but we added something like that to Stoke). I guess this is what you requested anyway :wink:

Ahh…I forget about PRT Maker. That will certainly work.
I need to get into generating PRT’s with a script. That will make life a bit easier sometime for me as well.