I’ve written custom plugin for deadling & it works great on windows.
But on linux I hit a wall.
I keep getting “access denied” when I try to access file.
My current debug looks like this :
templatePath = "-1"
for entry in self.GetAuxiliaryFilenames():
templatePath = str(entry)
templatePath = self.remapPaths(templatePath)
dirname = os.path.dirname(templatePath)
isFile = os.path.isfile(templatePath)
The problem here is that isFile is false. Even tho I can pause debug session, run another pythom script(standalone) and check the path/file/access etc.
Its as if the deadline plugin runs under some different user than sudo/root/whatever and cant acces it.
remapPaths does not do anything here.
How can I debug this? I’m running out of ideas. It make no sense.