Custom Script Panel in UI

Is there a way (in Deadline 6.2 or other) to create a custom UI panel? (Like “View” - “New Panel” - “Custom/Script”

We have a custom python script to manage our Slaves (right now accessible by a right click on a slave(s) – “Scripts” – “Script Name”).

Many people have asked for this dialog to dock to the left or the right of the slave panel. (it would be something similar to the Quick Filters panel…but with Buttons)

Is that something that can be done?


Currently, no, this isn’t possible to create and float/dock your own custom script panel in Deadline. However, this has been asked for before, so I’ll add a +1 from yourself on this feature request.
Thanks for your feedback! (I’ve wanted this for a while as well, so I’m on your side) :slight_smile:

Sounds great Mike! Thank you!

Is there a public list of feature requests?


OK, cool. Sorry, no public list, we prefer to engage by talking directly to our customers, so they know where they stand, even if the answer isn’t exactly what they want to hear, right this minute. :slight_smile:

i would like to vote for this feature too.
we have a script to manage DR nodes so artists know how many they are allocated in real time and it would be great if we could integrate it into the monitor.

+1 from me.

BTW the possibility to create icons ( like change repo / change user / options…) and bind customs scripts on it would be great.

A custom toolbar for daily actions : like changing pool / prio or whatever more custom. Would be a little time saver
