Custom Submission - Change Default Pool/Group/Machine Limit?

Quick question (probably) - I’m trying to create a few submission scripts for vrscenes and tile assembler jobs that have a majority of the field filled out for our staff. However, I just can not get anything in the “poolbox” “secondarypoolbox” “groupbox” or “machinelimitbox” to stick via the submission script. As an example, I will change the pool section to:

scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "PoolLabel", "LabelControl", "Pool", 1, 0, "The pool that your job will be submitted to.", False ) scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "PoolBox", "PoolComboControl", "progressive", 1, 1 )

so that it defaults to our “progressive” pool. However, whenever I open via monitor, it will default to whatever pool I had last chosen. I suspect I’m doing something wrong or the remembered pool is somehow overriding my sub script, but I just can’t figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

Settings can be “sticky” between sessions, so that the last option selected is “remembered”. This is controlled via these kind of lines in each py submissions script. Here’s an example:

settings = ( "DepartmentBox","CategoryBox","PoolBox","SecondaryPoolBox","GroupBox","PriorityBox","MachineLimitBox","IsBlacklistBox","MachineListBox","LimitGroupBox","SceneBox","FramesBox","ChunkSizeBox","ThreadsBox","WidthBox","HeightBox","OutputBox","DisplayWindowBox","AutocloseBox","displaySRGBBox","rtEngineBox","rtTimeoutBox","rtNoiseBox","rtSampleBox", "ResolutionOverrideCheck", "WidthOverrideBox", "HeightOverrideBox", "EnableParseCheck" ) scriptDialog.LoadSettings( GetSettingsFilename(), settings ) scriptDialog.EnabledStickySaving( settings, GetSettingsFilename() )

So, in your case, you could simply remove the “PoolBox” entry from the list above if you don’t want the setting to be remembered between sessions.

Load Settings: … f8bb722f97

EnabledStickySaving: … 7a8f755003

Perfect, exactly what I needed. This was one of the last few hurdles I had to overcome.