Custom VFB Extension Button Reset Funkiness

Whilst mashing the many buttons that I do on a sometimes neurotic-like basis I discovered something a little bit odd: (3.12 MB)

Best. Bug. Report. Ever! :laughing:

It was just a case of the last 3 buttons not being so new they had no change handlers.
Their state was being correctly synced to the Main Controls, but not the other way round - changing them did not set the respective properties.


LOL, I am really dredging here to pull up a good one, that was the best one to date!

I figured it was faster to screen cap it than to try and type it all out too. By my guess that is about how long it took to track down and fix ass well :smiley:

I kicked this bug’s ass for sure! :mrgreen:

Haha, vacation makes me forget how to type (and proof-read) :blush: