We would like to run a different pool setup on night and day. Is it possible to store the pool setups of the render slaves at once so they can be switched.
At night I don’t want a render slave to run idle while at day during production I want to assign certain render slaves only to one pool.
Looking forward to your answers.
You could set up a scheduled task or cron job to run "deadlinecommand -SetPoolsForSlave:
For example, at night, you can assign slaves 1, 2, and 3 to three pools:
deadlinecommand -SetPoolsForSlave Slave001,Slave002,Slave003 pool1,pool2,pool3
During the day, you can assign them to just one pool:
deadlinecommand -SetPoolsForSlave Slave001,Slave002,Slave003 pool2
Hope that helps!
Thanks a lot!!! That’s exactly what we were looking for.