Deadline maya 2022 Redshift Python version error


One of our nodes suddenly stopped rendering. We have tried re-installing the client.
The repeating error is as follows. Any help how to solve would be appreciated, we are new to deadline from other managers and not sure where to look!

Skipping pending job scan because it is not required at this time
2021-08-19 20:33:05: Skipping repository repair because it is not required at this time
2021-08-19 20:33:05: Skipping house cleaning because it is not required at this time
2021-08-19 20:33:05: Scheduler Thread - Job’s Limit Groups:
2021-08-19 20:33:06: 0: Loading Job’s Plugin timeout is Disabled
2021-08-19 20:33:06: 0: WARNING: Python version for ‘MayaBatch’ plugin is not specified! Defaulting to Py2.
2021-08-19 20:33:06: 0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user ‘dan’
2021-08-19 20:33:29: All job files are already synchronized
2021-08-19 20:33:29: 0: nogui was not added to the CommandLineParser.
2021-08-19 20:33:29: Plugin MayaBatch was already synchronized.
2021-08-19 20:33:30: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’
2021-08-19 20:33:30: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script ‘C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\dan3\plugins\611eaa5b7302b126f0f778c1\’
2021-08-19 20:33:30: 0: Encountered an error while executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw a major error:
2021-08-19 20:33:33: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception Details
2021-08-19 20:33:33: RenderPluginException – ImportError : No module named six
2021-08-19 20:33:33: RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: RenderPluginException.Level: Major (1)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: RenderPluginException.HasSlaveLog: True
2021-08-19 20:33:33: RenderPluginException.SlaveLogFileName: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs\deadlineslave_renderthread_0-DAN3-0000.log
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception.TargetSite: Deadline.Slaves.Messaging.PluginResponseMemento d(Deadline.Net.DeadlineMessage, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception.Data: ( )
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception.Source: deadline
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception.HResult: -2146233088
2021-08-19 20:33:33: Exception.StackTrace:
2021-08-19 20:33:33: at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage bed, CancellationToken bee)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.Initialize(Job job, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String aix, Job aiy, CancellationToken aiz)
2021-08-19 20:33:33: at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ait, CancellationToken aiu)

@Dan_Barker1 we’re actually getting a similar error with MayaBatch.

Windows 10
Maya 2019

MayaBatch is importing six at the top of the plugin file. Sometimes the PYTHONPATH (sys.path) has the system installed copy of Deadline’s pythonsync libraries (containing six) in the first spot of the PYTHONPATH and sometimes it has the temp version in the PYTHONPATH.

For Windows:

C:\program files\thinkbox\deadline10\bin\pythonsync


C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\pythonAPIs\[dated directory. ex: 2021-07-30T221249.8801877Z]

We haven’t been able to find a pattern yet for when each path is getting prepended to PYTHONPATH.

When the system path is added, the MayaBatch plugin is able to import six. However when the temp path is added it’s missing one level of folder structure (pythonsync) in the path and so it cannot import six. The temp pythonsync directory I believe is copied over from the Deadline repo pythonsync/ file at some point during the worker’s operation.

Ok, we resolved our ImportError : No module named six issue on our end. We had modified the repo’s pythonsync folder and had rezipped it with another pythonsync folder within it. Simple fix.


repo/pythonsync/ -> pythonsync/


repo/pythonsync/ ->