Not sure why, but rendering via the Arnold plugin in Deadline fails to license Arnold via FlexLM, running the kick command via a commandline job or running the commandline directly on the node works, but the Arnold plugin doesn’t.
I’ve put an older version on the node and that picks up the license as expected via the Arnold plugin.
Hope to find a solution to this
I’m just going back through the release notes, the previous version has an interesting note
Incompatible Changes
By default, Arnold licenses are now checked out using the host computer name. In previous Arnold versions, licenses were checked out with the name arnold.user
This means that Arnold and an older Arnold, like, won’t share a license if you render with both versions on the same time on the same machine.
To make Arnold 6.2.1 share a license with an older Arnold, set the environment variable ARNOLD _LICENSE_CLM_USERNAME to a****rnold.user
ARNOLD _LICENSE_CLM_USERNAME supports the tokens ‘username’ and ‘hostname’, so with Arnold 6.2.1 and later you can customize the name used to check out the license.
It could be just ‘username’, which would expand to to something like "blairs"Or it could be something like ‘arnold.username.hostname’, which would expand to something like “arnold.blairs.NOVMJ07M9WM”
I’ll have another look at this tomorrow