AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline + 3dsMax 2023.3 issue

Hi !
I’m running into an issue with job submission/rendering. I’m using the SMTD plugin for max 2023.3 and I have an error message.

Error: 3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.

See the attached report. (4.2 KB)

Seems like a max issue but I browse all topics around this and unfortunately no solution worked for me…

Any help would be great !

Thanks :wink:

Hello @Theoss

I looked at the log report seems like 3dsmax exited before it was told. Maybe because of the following error

2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find SSO server app AdSSO.exe in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find SSO server app AdSSO.exe in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find SSO server app AdSSO.exe in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find version compatibility file SSOVersionCompatibility.config in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: %SSOServerAppPath%
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Version compatibility file SSOVersionCompatibility.config not found
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find compatible client plugin version for AdSSOServices version since version compatibility file SSOVersionCompatibility.config is not found
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Client plugin module not found: 
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: AdSSOServices.dll module loaded (Version: Config: x64-Release File: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023/AdSSOServices.dll)
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Searching for client config file SSOClient.config in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Found client config file at C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023/SSOClient.config
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Loading client config file C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023/SSOClient.config
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Unable to get AdSSO path from registry, failed with error: 2
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Searching for SSO server app AdSSO.exe in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: Failed to find SSO server app AdSSO.exe in the following paths:
2023-10-30 17:28:12:  0: STDOUT: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2023

I think this KBA will help you troubleshoot the issue further:

Hi zainali ! Thanks for your quick reply !

I follow instructions to render with 3dsCmd. It doesn’t work. Here is the error report. (2.6 KB)

So the issue comes from 3dsmax ?

Thanks !

Thanks for following the KBA @Theoss

I think you have followed until second last step. The last step is to run “Full Command” which you can get from the job report of 3dsCmd job (I am sending you in direct message). Run that on the render node which throw this error as the same user which ran the render process. You will need to login as that user, open cmd and run “Full Command”

If you see errors like no such files/directories then reproduce one more time, open job report, search for “Full Command”, copy it and run it via cmd on the render node in question by logging in as the same user which ran the render process << you will find this info in the bottom of job report.

Thank you Zainali for your time and apologies for the late late reply. I was very busy with my work…
So I copy the command that you send me in the cmd tool of windows.
3dsmax dosn’t want to start… Looks like it’s the same issue that I have with the SMTD.

See image

Maybe I have to enable some permissions for max ?

Thank you !

It could be a permissions issue - but all we know is this fails outside of Deadline. Does this render fail this way on other machines, and do other scene files run successfully?

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