Is it possible to make a custom Panel in Deadline Monitor 10?
Our Deadline farm is for students and they use the Deadline Monitor for submitting jobs. I would love to have a Panel in the Monitor UI that displays rules and tips for using Deadline. I suppose a custom pop-up window on Monitor launch would also work but I didn’t see any Monitor related Events in the documentation.
Matt Dunn
Hi Matt,
Unfortunately, custom panels are not supported at this time. You can make floating windows via the scripting API, but they need to be launched from one of the Scripts menus in the Monitor, and can’t be triggered to open automatically when the Monitor opens.
Adding the ability to launch a script when the Monitor launches is an interesting idea, and that might be preferred over introducing an actual Monitor event (since events should be non-interactive).
I’ll log this as a feature request. If you have any additional suggestions on how you’d like to see this work, let us know!
Here to necro and +1 this suggestion. It would be invaluable for wrangling (custom panels showing basic live farm metrics, overview of important wrangling adjustments to farm such as pool/group changes, custom 2-way support chat from support to artist, etc) as well as farm “status” updates and improvements. Currently my solution to these have to manually triggered floating widgets, not ideal.
Loving the software so far though!