AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 10 log info error

After restarting deadline server render nodes logs are not working. But after restarting render nodes it is working fine. Can anyone help me with this?


Could you explain more about which logs are not working? Is it the MongoDB logs for the Database or the Client application logs?

You will find the application writes the logs whenever they are running. It is possible that the application is not running to log the progress.


We are facing issue in client application log. If deadline server restarted client logs are not updating in the server. Then after restart the client machines logs are updating.
Deadline error

Hi karpreet,

any solution for this issue

That’ll happen if the Worker doesn’t have permission to write into your DeadlineRepository10\reports directory. If you look in the application’s logs (called deadlineslave) there’s probably a pile of permission denied warnings in there.

The logs will be on the machine in one of these locations:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs
Linux: /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline10
Mac OS X: /Library/Logs/Thinkbox/Deadline10

Hi Justin.

We have already given write permission, but it still isn’t working when restarting.

Interesting, when you get a chance I’d like to see a deadlineslave log from a machine that’s not writing logs. Thanks!

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