Deadline 10 Public Preview

[size=150]AWS Confidential Preview Material[/size]

Thank you for participating in the Deadline 10 preview program!

Deadline 10 increases flexibility for hybrid workflows that leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2, allowing you the freedom to easily access any combination of on-premise or cloud-based resources! The new AWS Portal panel in the Deadline Monitor enables simple and secure expansion of your on-premise render farm, and natively integrates with AWS via your existing AWS accounts. It also synchronizes with your on-premise asset server automatically to ensure all appropriate files have been transferred to AWS before rendering begins.

Deadline is the first public preview for Deadline 10, and the release notes can be found in the next post below.

[size=150]Setup and Installation[/size]

Please visit this link to access the setup documentation and installers: … ouhxyevul7

The setup documentation for the new AWS Portal feature can be found under the ‘AWS Portal Setup’ section of the Deadline User Manual.

[size=150]Launching AWS Render Nodes[/size]

After the setup process is complete, and you have used the AWS Portal to successfully launch your AWS infrastructure, the next step will be to launch some render nodes. During this step, you will be asked to select the software which you wish to launch. You will only need to specify an AMI ID for any custom AMI that has been derived from the specify the ID of the AMI (Amazon Machine Image) you wish to use. The list of available AMIs can be found here: … 33&t=15426

Note that AMI IDs will be updated with each Deadline 10 release, so refer to the page above to get the latest IDs.

[size=150]Providing Feedback[/size]

If you have feedback on the setup process or anything in general, let us know on the Discussion Forum:

Bugs can reported in the Bug Reports Forum:

Thanks again, and we look forward to your feedback!

Changes implemented since the previous build (Beta 5)

AWS Portal Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where the configured default AWS Region wasn’t loaded properly.
  • Added sanity checks to ensure various required services are running prior to creating infrastructure via the AWS Portal.
  • Folded the setup of the primary S3 bucket used for asset caching into the AWS Portal settings.
  • Added warning when setting up Limits for Third-Party Licensing if they are only available via the AWS Portal.
  • Fixed an issue with the License Forwarder that was causing too many threads to be started.
  • Addressed an issue that was causing Timeouts when communicating with the License Forwarder.
  • Removed deprecated SFTP options (in favour of the new S3 Caching system).
  • Improved the instance-type preset buttons.
  • Improved stability of the CloudLink service.
  • Linux platform support added for CloudLink and OnPrem service.

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Added a call type to metrics line items.
  • Made some performance improvements to the Maya integrated submitter.
  • Removed the ‘IO’ postfix that was previously added to Maya and Max third-party licensing items.
  • Reduced the height of the Repository Options dialog back to normal.
  • Moved the Remote Command options into their own tab in the Repository Options dialog.
  • Fixed an issue that ruined the formatting of the Database Stats dialog.
  • Updated Deadline’s own licensing to check the THINKBOX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, if present.
  • Added a Deadline ROP node to Houdini integration.
  • Removed more references to the ‘Proxy Server’ in favour of the more generic ‘Connection Server’.

Note that we have made a minor revision to the build previously posted. A fix has been made to a critical bug on OS X that prevented rendering with most plugins.

If you have been affected by this bug after having downloaded the installers, you can patch it by replacing the plugins/ file in your Repository with the one attached to this post. Aside from this file, the build contains identical changes as detailed in this post, and is available from the same link posted in the original post above. (1.81 KB)

A new build has been posted to the public preview. The link is still the same as the one in the original post: … ouhxyevul7

Previous build are still available under the ‘Previous Builds’ folder, as well.

Changes implemented since the previous build (

AWS Portal Improvements

  • Added ability to choose an existing S3 bucket for use by the Cloud Portal.
  • S3 bucket set up now occurs as part of the initial Cloud Link installation, and can be re-generated in the Portal Settings.
  • Renamed ‘AWSOnPremServer’ to ‘AWSPortalAssetServer’.
  • Improved overall stability of the AWS Portal services.
  • Improved startup speed of deployed Slaves.

Other Improvements

  • Draft tile assembly will now clean up the temp folder once it’s done.
  • Fixed a bug where entries in machine-level limits were case sensitive.
  • Updated Modo integration with the ability to bake items.
  • Added a sanity check to Rhino plugin to ensure the output directory is writable.
  • Improved the stability of remembering passwords, especially on OS X.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some of the command line apps from exiting cleanly.