Deadline 10 - recreates folders after moving original folder to different location?

Not sure if this is a bug or a setting somewhere, but if we move a folder to different location and then open the max file and render to the new location Deadline recreates the nested folders for the output even though no output files actually get put in there. the output saves to the correct new location…?

That’s fun. It could very well be that we do if the renderer in use doesn’t make folders for itself. Sounds like a bug.

Usual requests:

  1. Deadline exact version (ex:
  2. Render plugin used (and exact version)
  3. Sample scene that reproduces (teapot’s fine)

If you are submitting via SMTD, please show us all your “Pathing” settings, as 3dsMax does some weird stuff with Render Elements and pathing, which we try our best to auto-fix for users: … ns-rollout

Try using the new DL10: “PREVIEW OUTPUT PATHS” dialog to figure out if your paths are dodgy/valid as these are the paths that SMTD are identifying as correct in the scene file, the same as at job submission time.

Make sure: “Rebuild Render Elements” checkbox is enabled.