Deadline 2.7 MAIL problems

The slaves are not releasing the task after it is completed.The message just sending fine but slave writing in his output this

Scheduler Thread - notification targets…

Scheduler Thread - “some user”

and in Monitor window his status not Idle.

until I manually restart the slave…

How to fix it&

Check your SMTP notification settings in the Repository Options, which

can be accessed from the Deadline Monitor in super user mode by

selecting Tools -> Configure Repository Options. If the SMTP mail server

setting is invalid, or the slaves don’t have access to the mail server,

this can cause problems when the slaves try to send a notification message.


problem is that messege is sending fine but slave is not realising and write that he is rendering

if i restart him manually i’got a messege that he was stalled…

and very strange that slave is restarting without GUI and i must kill him from task manager and start again and ht starts ok.

I have an Antivirus and Firewall software may be this is a case?

In the Monitor, can you check your user settings? This can be done by

selecting Tools -> Options. Is your notification method set to Email or


My settings sre set to Email

Hmm, try setting it to none and see if the slaves still get hung up on

the job. This will at least help detemine if the problem is related to

the notification sending or something completely different.

My settings sre set to Email

when i set to none than all fine

Hmm, this is strange. What’s odd is that we didn’t change anything

between how the email notification is sent between Deadline 2.6 and 2.7.

Here’s something to try:

  1. Open up a command prompt on the slave machine that’s causing the problem.
  2. Run this command from the command all one line). Make sure to

    replace with the email address that’s specified in

    your user settings (where you checked the notification method earlier).

    c:\deadline\bin\deadlinecommand.exe -sendemail -to

    -subject testing -message hello

    This sends an email using the same method that the slave does. Let me

    know if this works or if it hangs like the slave does.


I have got the same problem with Deadline 2.6 too…

Ok I’ve tried the message was sent and i recieved it but command prompt is not releasing and in task manager DeadlineCommand.exe is sitting

this happens on all machines in render farm…

I have got the same problem with Deadline 2.6 too…

Ok I’ve tried the message was sent and i recieved it but command prompt is not releasing and in task manager DeadlineCommand.exe is sitting

this happens on all machines in render farm…

I have got the same problem with Deadline 2.6 too…

Ok I’ve tried the message was sent and i recieved it but command prompt is not releasing and in task manager DeadlineCommand.exe is sitting

this happens on all machines in render farm…

my browser when i hit reload makes more replies…

Sorry i didn’n want to post it 3 times.

Hehe, no worries. It happens a lot. :slight_smile:

Well, it’s good to know that you had this problem in 2.6, which means we

didn’t introduce any new problems. Do you have any problems sending

email normally from that machine (using outlook or thunderbird, etc)?

ok.i figured it out it was our system administrators problem…

what about context menus?I don’t have any in my explorer shell

ok.i figured it out it was our system administrators problem…

what about context menus?I don’t have any in my explorer shell

ok.i figured it out it was our system administrators problem…

what about context menus?I don’t have any in my explorer shell

the problem cave again.

i don’t know how to fix it

slave sends the message all OK but he did not finish rendering and continue to say that he is rendering…

He is not releasing…

If i turn off email notification than all OK.

yt finishes his job and releasing him self for next job

Did you try sending emails from one of the slave machines using an email

client liek outlook or thunderbird? That would help determine if this is

a Deadline issue or a network issue.

hi there, i too had many problems sending email as a job finish…and i still have not found which kind of admin thing is…

can u tell me which was yours?

