Deadline 3.1 Third-Party Slave Script : WinAdminExecuteCmd

Hi All,


Here’s a free to use Deadline v3.x monitor script which will allow you to run an admin’ type command on a number of selected slaves in your pipeline.
Unfortunately this script will ONLY work on Windows based machines, although the script should be fine to reside within a mixed OS environment within the monitor of linux or mac :slight_smile:
Some of the commands will need to be edited to work in your own particular pipeline, such as change the install directory of where 3dsMax is installed. (An example of this can be see on line 82 of the python file). I recommend opening up the Python file and having a read through the comments to understand what some of the commands do, before executing them!

If your not sure what a command might do in the drop-down list, then don’t execute it, try looking it up on Google first :slight_smile: (5.54 KB)

To install:

Unzip the attached zip file to:
Restart your deadline monitor to see the slave script appear in your right-click menu when you select a slave.

I’m releasing this code as beer’ware so feel free to buy me a beer if you ever meet me!

Hope this helps,
