Deadline + 3DsMax: Change order of tile render

Hello folks, is there a way to change the order in which tiles from a tile rendering are sent to our farm?
So that for example the last tile is rendered first and then works its way up to tile#1.

Maybe it is important to note that we are currently still running on Deadline 7 since we use the old non-jigsaw tilerender with our custom submitter.

cheers HH

Currently there is no control over the order of the tiles. This is true for both SMTD 7, and the latest v10.

When rendering a single frame with tiles, the for loops creating the tile tasks run from 1 to the number of tiles in X and Y. It would be theoretically possible to change that by editing the SMTDFunctions code, but it sounds like a dangerous proposition. (The code is rather complex).

When rendering animations with tiles, each tile is a job where the tasks represent the frames of the animation. Again, we could invert the loops to count backwards during submission as all jobs are sent with the same priority and would thus be dequeued based on the submission time.

Ok, thx for the info.
We naively just tried to reverse the tilenaming loop in the smtdf which indeed resulted in rendering the former last tile first.
Unfortunately the stiching is reversed too, so we ended up with a scrambled egg image :slight_smile:.
Guess its not worth the effort fixing that since the optimization we were aiming for is just of a minor degree.

cheers HH