Deadline 4.1 SP1 - Maya Submission Script Update

There is a bug in the Deadline 4.1 Maya submission script that causes Deadline to use the wrong frame range when submitting layers as separate jobs. When submitting these layers, Deadline uses the frame range which is set for the actual layer for all other layers as well instead of using the layer overrides.

Attached is a patched script that fixes this problem. To install, follow these steps. Note that this fix should only be applied to Deadline 4.1 SP1.

  1. Go to \your\repository\submission\Maya, and backup the file “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”, just to be safe.
  2. Download the attached file, remove the .txt extension, and copy to \your\repository\submission\Maya.
  3. Restart Maya and try to submit again.


I’m getting an invalid archive file when I download and attempt to open this file.
Is it corrupt?

Hey Mike,

I tried uploading it a few times, and each time it was corrupted when I try to download it. I’ve confirmed it’s not corrupted before I upload it, so I have no idea why this would be happening. Anyways, for now I’ve just added the .txt extension to the actual mel file and updated the installation instruction accordingly.


  • Ryan