Deadline 4.1 Third-Party Script : Print Python Modules

I sometimes get confused exactly what python modules are supported by which version of CPython and indeed, which PY modules are supported natively by IronPython, which is currently at v2.6 in Deadline v4.1sp1. So here’s a quick and dirty general script which you can copy into your “scripts/general” directory to give you a quick print out of what module is supported where. Its helped me quite a few times when I import a module; it doesn’t work and then I have to go to Mr.Google for help. Instead I can just quickly pop up this message box and check. I have also sorted all the lists in alphabetical order to make it easier to cross-reference the info quickly. Hopefully, someone else may find this useful :slight_smile:

(Please note that these lists are not 100% comprehensive, so feel free to enhance them for future versions of CPython/IronPython/Deadline) (2.41 KB)