AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 5.1.46173 Now Available



What’s New In Deadline 5.1.46173

This release just fixes a few bugs that have come up since 5.1 was released. Our plan is to do a maintenance release for 5.1 early in the new year, but we’ll release incremental updates here as they become available. If you already have a 5.1 license, a new license is NOT required for this maintenance release.

Launcher Improvements

  • When running as a service, the Launcher now forces a machine shutdown/restart when it receives the remote command to do so. Previously, if another user was logged in, the machine wouldn’t shutdown/restart until that user logged off.

Slave Improvments

  • When receiving the remote command to cancel the current task(s), the Slave now cancels them immediately. Before, it would wait until the task finished, which completely defeated the purpose of this feature.

Command Improvments

  • The auxiliary files that are submitted with a job are no longer sorted prior to being copied to the Repository. This fixes an issue with the Alternate Auxiliary Path option for jobs that could cause the wrong files to be placed in the alternate location.

Scripting Improvments

  • Added new RepositoryUtils functions to query the Alternate Auxiliary file location for jobs: GetAlternateAuxiliaryPath(), GetWindowsAlternateAuxiliaryPath(), GetLinuxAlternateAuxiliaryPath(), and GetMacAlternateAuxiliaryPath(). Note that the first one determines the path based on the current OS.

Fusion Improvements

  • Using the “comp:” variable in your saver paths now works, providing that you do not submit the comp with the job.
  • The error message when checking the saver output fails now includes the proper support email address.
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