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Deadline 5.2.47169 Now Available



What’s New In Deadline 5.2.47169

This Deadline release adds support for many new versions of rendering applications, including 3ds Max 2013*, Maya 2013, and After Effects CS6. It also includes a new plugin for Anime Studio. Finally, it includes various bug fixes, including a bug that could prevent the Slave on Linux from launching new rendering processes until it was restarted.

  • 3ds Max 2013 Update 2 must be installed for it to render properly with Deadline.

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes

General Improvements

  • Dependent jobs now release properly if one or more of their dependencies become archived.
  • The ‘readelf’ process on Linux is no longer used to get the bitness of an executable.
  • The ‘taskset’ process on Linux is no longer used to set processor affinity.
  • Fixed an ArgumentException that could occur when flushing text to the application logs.

Slave Improvements

  • Fixed a resource leak in the Slave on Linux that could prevent it from launching new rendering processes until it was restarted.
  • The On Last Task Complete options in the Slave’s Control menu now work properly again.
  • Fixed a bug that caused post-job scripts to fail during their first run.
  • Fixed an error that occurred during the EndJob phase when a job had a post-job script.

3ds Max Improvements

  • Added support for 3ds Max 2013. Note that 3ds Max 2013 support is pending on an update to 3ds Max 2013 that should be released in May. The plugin has been tested in workstation mode, so it should work in slave mode once the update has been made available.
  • In SMTD, the One CPU Per Task option no longer overlaps the Automatically Update Job Name setting.

After Effects Improvements

  • Added support for After Effects CS6.

Anime Studio Improvements

  • Added support for Anime Studio.

Cinema 4D Improvements

  • The 64 bit Windows executables are now included in the default paths for Cinema 4D 12 and 13.

Composite Improvements

  • Added support for Composite 2013.

Houdini Improvements

  • Added support for Houdini 12.
  • The integrated submitter now sets the default value for the IFD export option properly.

Lightwave Improvements

  • Improved progress reporting of Lightwave renders. This is for non-Screamernet jobs only, because Screamernet jobs do not report progress to stdout.

Maya Improvements

  • Added support for Maya 2013.
  • The “(multichannel)” postfix is now stripped from the output file name that is sent to Deadline.

modo Improvements

  • Added support for modo 6xx.

Softimage Improvements

  • Added support for Softimage 2013.

Vue Improvements

  • Added stdout handler to catch file write errors.
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