AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 5.2.47345 Now Available



What’s New In Deadline 5.2.47345

This release just fixes a few issues.

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes

General Improvements

  • The Windows Client installer now installs the VC++ 2010 redistributables needed for the 3dsmax 2013 lightning plugin.

Command Improvements

  • Python.NET event plugins now fire properly when submitting through Deadline Command.

After Effects Improvements

  • Multi-Machine rendering now works when submitting from the Monitor.

Draft Improvements

  • The Draft event plugin no longer generates output/error messages when executing on unrelated jobs.

Lightwave Improvements

  • When forcing 32/64 bit rendering on OSX, the ‘arch’ command is used to launch Lightwave in the corresponding mode

Nuke Improvements

  • Sticky Shotgun settings are now saved properly.

Shotgun Improvements

  • The Shotgun event plugin no longer generates output/error messages when executing on unrelated jobs.
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