AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 5.2.48620 Now Available



What’s New In Deadline 5.2.48620

This beta release fixes some issues that have come up since 5.2 was released. Our plan is to do a maintenance release for 5.2 soon to address these issues. If you already have a 5.2 license, a new license is NOT required for this maintenance release.

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes

Slave Improvements

  • Reduced the number of temporary files a Slave can create when getting the Repository date. This should prevent other slaves from crashing of a misbehaving slave isn’t cleaning up its temporary files properly.

Maya Improvements

  • Added the “No Messages” option when selecting Mental Ray Verbosity.

Rhino Improvements

  • Added a popup handler to handle a read-only warning.
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