AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Deadline 5.2.48814 Now Available



What’s New In Deadline 5.2.48814

This beta release fixes some issues that have come up since 5.2 was released. Our plan is to do a maintenance release for 5.2 soon to address these issues. If you already have a 5.2 license, a new license is NOT required for this maintenance release.

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes

General Improvements

  • The Tile Assembler now supports assembling tiled EXR files. Previously, it only supported scanline EXR files.

Slave Improvements

  • Corrupted job errors should no longer prevent the Slave from requeuing a task, allowing the Slave to move on to a new job.

Command Improvements

  • The -GetJob command now properly prints out the job’s extra key/value pair dictionary.

3dsmax Improvements

  • DeadlineUtil.WarnMessage now prints out WARNING messages instead of INFO messages.

After Effects Improvements

  • Added a popup handler for an AE startup error.

Maxwell Improvements

  • Fixed the default path for the Maxwell 2 merge executable in the plugin configuration.

Maya Improvements

  • If the scene file contains layers, the VRay Export job now creates a dependent VRay Standalone job for each layer.
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