What’s New In Deadline 5.2.49174
This beta release fixes some issues that have come up since 5.2 was released. Our plan is to do a maintenance release for 5.2 soon to address these issues. If you already have a 5.2 license, a new license is NOT required for this maintenance release.
New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes
General Improvements
- If multiple attempts are required to save an XML file to the repository, the interval between attempts is now longer.
- Errors that occur when saving an XML file to the repository are now shown in the application log.
Pulse Improvements
- In verbose mode, Pulse now prints out how much time it took to load the repository data.
3dsmax Improvements
- SMTD - the scene submission option is now sticky again.
- SMTD - the sticky settings browsing script is now included.